Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Grim Reaper Strikes Again

Today was a crappy day. I now know for sure that Freeport, where I live, is just another Disneyland but without any rides. For the first time since moving here I went shopping in town and saw that despite all the stores having different names, they are all selling the same thing, just like the Mickey Mouse stuff in the Magic Kingdom!

But what made the day crappy was that when I got home after many long hours in my art gallery, undistracted by customers, I discovered a dead chipmunk lying face up right next to our porch. He was so cute, and looked just like a cartoon character, stretched out with his little paws neatly folded across his chest. There were no signs of foul play, and since my cats had been inside all day I couldn't shout "J'accuse!" at either of them.

Had the little guy suffered a heart attack as he was running home to supper? Perhaps his family is wondering where he is even now, keeping his dinner warm, hours after my neighbor Bob helped me dispose of the body. (Okay, Bob did the disposing, I covered my eyes and held open the plastic bag.)

Goodbye Chip or Dale, I lift my glass to you.


deneb said...

ooohhh, you don't think some disturbed neighbor kid put it there to freak you out? do you have any neighbor kids around? maybe it's the smiley guy from the graveyard.....ooooh. that is my first thought. hmmmm, who would do this to you?

Andrea Rouda said...

I don't know about Salt Lake City, but here in Maine, chipmunks do die of natural causes every so often! How odd that your first thought was of that nice man we met at the cemetery! Get out of Utah, it is warping your mind! (Must be the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping.)