Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pass It Forward...or Don't

Like me, you probably get lots of unwanted email all the time. What I really hate are the lists of jokes, usually not funny and almost always from Democrats, with titles like "Ten Ways You Know You're In Menopause" or "How to Tell If Your Man is an Idiot." I always delete those unread.

Then there are the chain letters, telling you to add your name and send it to ten people you know in the next five minutes or you will contract a horrible disease or suffer some misfortune. Bravely, I ignore those too.

But tonight I got one of those chain letters from a close friend I like and respect, asking me quite sincerely to send it to 12 other women I like, and do so in 15 minutes. There was stuff about fulfilling dreams and life being a journey or some such sentiment; to be honest I didn't read it closely, but it said to make a wish first, and I thought in the off chance magic is real, and despite not knowing 12 women I like, I did it because Diana asked me to--and also, I need all the help I can get, wish-fulfillment-wise.

To those who received it and were offended, I am sorry--just hit delete. But please don't send me an email telling me you didn't do it because you "don't do that." (I already got one of those.) I do not care and I do not need to know.

Anyway, you're the one whose wish won't come true.


Jackie said...
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Jackie said...
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Jackie said...

third time's a charm-So let me get this straight- you were moved by a sincere request to pass a chain letter to 12 women you like. The letter contained sentiments like "' 'my love, gestures and communications hopefully remind you how special you are",and you signed it 'with much love, Andrea"., And now your blog is informing us that you don't even like some of the 12 women you sent it to? You are sorry if you offended anyone for sending it to them, but you really do not care and you do not need to know.." I do feel so special, thanks. I better be careful for what I wish for....

Andrea Rouda said...

While there aren't 12 women I like, among the 12 I sent the email were some that I did. Why not assume that you were among that group? I chose not to disappoint Diane by ignoring her, and I wasn't going to break the mathematical chain by sending fewer, so yes, I admit I was being insincere to more than half of the recipients!

What else is new?

Jackie said...

Honesty is the best policy, Wish granted!

deneb said...

who is fairy godmother? and I got one of those, too. did yours say something was going to happen to you at 10:35 the next morning? the suspense is killing me.....what happened to you? nothing happened to me. i hate those stupid angel things too.

deneb said...

and also, I am dying to know what comments you deleted.....

Andrea Rouda said...

I did not delete anything, they were deleted by Fairy Godmother herself (my sister-in-law Jackie!)