Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nos for News

No two ways about it, the media sucks these days. It used to give the news, period. Now it gives the salacious news.

For example, concerning the recent (horrid) death of Annie Le, a 24-year old Yale graduate, in New Haven, Connecticut. Her body, we learned from every newspaper and every TV announcer and every Internet story, was found stuffed inside a wall.

Now that word is fraught with negatives. What's the first thing you think of stuffing? A turkey. So to say that is to diminish her even further, as if her being dead is not bad enough!

Other options they might have used do exist, such as saying her body was:
1. placed behind a wall
2. hidden behind a wall
3. inserted behind a wall
4. left behind a wall
5. found behind a wall

But none of those are as sickening as her being "stuffed inside a wall."

Note to self: Cancel all subscriptions and throw out TV.

1 comment:

deneb said...

her name is chick. that is so funny. and there was no comment made in the entire article about how ridiculous her name was???

and I agree with you totally about the bad use of the word stuffed. horrible. or maybe her body really was stuffed like a turkey and hidden behind the wall. that is just sad.