Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mean People Suck

When my son was about eight years old, he made a clay paperweight that I keep on my desk to this day. It's a bright yellow, three-dimensional "Smiley Face," with the words, "Mean People Suck" etched into it. (It is the one thing I would save, should my house catch on fire.)

It reminds me of two things:
1. My son was adorable once.
2. Mean people DO suck.

Sadly, the Internet is home to the meanest of the mean. Almost every news item that allows comments from the public is riddled with the most awful sentiments, written by your average Jane and Joe. Somebody died a horrific death? They say, "Good, they deserved it!" No matter what it is, the hateful public can always come up with unthinkable trash. The recent death of John Travolta's son was a perfect example. This wonderful actor who has given us so much pleasure over the years was targeted simply for having an autistic son that died.

The bottom line: bullies graduate from high school and go out in the world and procreate.
Be careful out there.........

1 comment:

deneb said...

so let that be a lesson to you....use your holidays as opportunities to apologize!