Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's so O.J.

Oh dear, yet another celebrity icon has been revealed as human! This latest one is Tiger Woods, the golf guy. Until now, I thought the most interesting thing about him was his name. I mean, for a black guy he sure is white bread.

But now we learn several new pieces of information that have made him more like the rest of us, even though he earns a million dollars a week or some figure just as ridiculous. (I forget what it is, but I remember that, hearing it on the news, I gasped.)

I am not at all curious about his marital infidelity, which is no longer shocking to most Americans because it is so common, but rather about his wife, who is apparently a tad unstable; no wonder he's been cheating! She smashed the windows of his Cadillac with a golf club? Freud would have a field day with that one. Poor dear, she probably got sick of it being "golf, golf, golf," 24 hours a day; I know I would. But still, it wasn't the car's fault! (I tend to anthropomorphize.)

Nevertheless, I for one hope they do everyone a favor and get divorced, and the sooner the better. The country cannot survive another "beloved black sports figure married to a beautiful white woman with occasional violent marital spats" fiasco, and this one seems perilously close already.

Meanwhile, who knew golfers even have sex?


Anonymous said...

HA! that is good Andrea!

deneb said...

come on! she smashed the windows out before he pulled out! She beat him up! Why does this not look like an obvious case of spousal abuse? He was trying to get away. I like the way he is trying to say, "none of your business" but if he is being abused he should get help. I mean, what if next time she kills him. That's why I REALLY liked your choice of illustrations. you are brilliant.

Andrea Rouda said...

well deneb, you should not become a private investigator, i think your instincts are a bit off!