Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sometimes I Get Really Mad

Yesterday I purchased a can of Planter's Mixed Nuts, the label of which promised less than 50% peanuts and plenty of  almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and pecans.  When my husband opened the can later, he shouted from the next room, "It's a lie, way more than half is peanuts!"

I ignored him, or at least tried to, but his grumbling made me well aware of his foraging for another snack. Because he is on some esoteric no-peanuts regimen, he rejected the nuts and opted for some blueberries. (Mitch is now one of those hyper-health-conscious eaters recently classified as "mentally ill," but that's another blog.)

Today I ventured into the same can of nuts and found it ridiculously full of peanuts and without one Brazil nut in there! I know this for a fact because my husband hates Brazil nuts and would not eat one if you paid him (unless you paid him a lot, but otherwise no way), and I love Brazil nuts--in fact, I would go so far as to say they are my favorite nut. Also, there were about three cashews in there, two hazelnuts and maybe twelve almonds, and the rest was all peanuts! (Any pecans surely were eaten by Mitch on sight.)

Being a spoiled American who has never been hungry for a second except maybe once on Yom Kippur many years ago, I was outraged and called the number printed on the label that invited customer's comments. I got a live person almost right away, which was good news, but the bad news was she was totally pissed off at me from the word go. Her tone was quite condescending, as if she could not believe that someone was pathetic enough to make this very phone call, and she gave me some spiel about how "the contents are machine-controlled" and it was "highly unlikely" that I was correct. Perhaps I had not assessed the situation accurately?

"Hey, I know a g-d Brazil nut when I see one!" I said, perhaps too loudly.  She said there was no need for profanity. In the end she took my address and said they would mail me a rebate coupon. Then she asked for my email address so that "Mr. Peanut can see how you're doing in a few weeks."

Now that's nutty.


Jeff said...

My peeve is with Kellogg's. Their box of Corn Flakes in the restaurant - .87oz. Is that a portion? Of course the box is huge! Called the 800 number, but to no avail. They purposely blow up a big plastic liner in the box which is filled to about 1/4" with the aforementioned cereal.

Andrea Rouda said...

Jeff, call them again! We cannot allow these travesties to continue....or else, stop eating corn flakes.

Anonymous said...

life is tough. maybe you can send your can of peanuts to haiti; i bet they'd be glad to have it.

Anonymous said...

i know, i missed the humor here - i too feel the same disappointment when the rasin bran is mostly bran (and the rasins are all dry and hard.) we americans are a pretty spoiled bunch, don't you think?

tricynical said...
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