Friday, April 9, 2010

The Bottom Line

There's a photo of Tiger Woods on the front page of today's Wall Street Journal. He's playing golf, and the caption says he's "back following a sex scandal." His picture is also on the front of the sports section of my local paper, the Portland Press Herald, under the headline, "Tiger's back, looking as good as ever."

Making me wonder: Why did they make such a fuss last Christmas when it surfaced that Tiger is a sexual predator, raking him and his countless mistresses over the coals for five months, only to decide it's no big deal after all? Could it have been to sell newspapers, perhaps? Even NIKE has taken Tiger back, using him once again as a spokesman and role model for young people.

Is this a great country or what? (Sometimes I think America deserves Sarah Palin...oops, I mean Governor Palin!)


Nannygoat said...

The British used to have a corner on sex scandals (think Profumo), while we Americans were generally more driven by money (think Ivan Boesky), but then the twain met, and we got the best of both worlds. Whenever I step back and say, "Huh?" there is usually one of two things involved: illicit sex or money. Now the two have mixed together in what are apparently the necessary ingredients to drive fame and fortune, which follow press coverage. Let's face it: We are NOT the average Joe or Jane. We do not stop and stare at train wrecks nor spend our time fascinated by watching people's private lives unravel or wash over us like a tsumani. The sad truth is that most people love nothing more than the seedy, the sexy, the scandalous. Remember Hester Prynne? It's apparently part of the genetic code, and we must be missing that little spiral of DNA. Sports sell. Sex sells. Nike sells. Tiger plays, and the world plays with him. Or not.

deneb said...

Hey nannygoat, speak for yourself. I officially take the me out of your we!
Three things: 1. stop reading that crappy news.
2. stop watching/listening to that crappy television.
3. thank god I am not famous.

Andrea Rouda said...

fine, stop reading the news and watching tv! so how do you know what the heck is going on in the world?

i just want things like tiger woods cheating on his wife to NOT be news!