Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Living the Dream

My dear friends in New York, D.C. and a couple in Florida have worried that there is little to do here in Maine, culturally speaking. To them, I offer the following proof that their fears are unfounded:

Today's Portland Press Herald lists two events taking place at the same time in two different locations, forcing me to choose only one.  A lecture on "What Solitary Woodchucks Can Teach Us About Family Dynamics" will be held in South Portland, while a seminar entitled "Overview of the Natural History of Common Loons" will take place half an hour later in Freeport, at least a twenty-five minute drive from the woodchuck lecture. Add to this the ongoing blood drives, bean suppers and firearm demonstrations and you'll have some idea of what I'm dealing with.

Anyway, since I've always wondered--and who among us hasn't?-- how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, I'm heading to South Portland.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha