Sunday, April 4, 2010

I'm Verklempt!

Today Mitch wanted to grill something for dinner, it being a beautiful Easter Sunday and us being Jews with nothing special to do like pray, hunt for colored eggs, or in any way celebrate the rising of Christ from the ground.

He went to the store for three items and three items only: charcoal, meat to put on the charcoal, and a vegetable to go with the meat that went on the charcoal. He returned with the meat, two bananas, a bottle of wine, a tomato, a dog cookie, a yellow squash and some rather tired looking Brussels sprouts, but no charcoal.



Mitch said...

Attention Deficit Disorder is a serious disease . . . I deserve treatment, not ridicule

Andrea Rouda said...

It's tough being the caregiver, too...

deneb said...

so what did you do? roast the yummy brussel sprouts in the oven, broil the steak in the oven?

Unknown said...

I totally sympathize, we have two a.d.d-ers in our family and sometimes it sure is challenging. But I wouldn't want it any other way. A.d.d-ers are really so entertaining.

Andrea Rouda said...

Deb, he went back to the store and got the charcoal...his choice.

Patti, that's a great way to think of it, I wish you and I were in touch when my son was living at home as he has inherited that gene. Entertaining....I will try thinking of it that way next time!

Judy Hoffman said...

As another ADD person, I totally get why the charcoal was not purchased ... so, to what makes sense to me is that you have a gas grill and that way it does not matter.

Andrea Rouda said...

What is wrong with you people?